Why Choosing Local Farmers is a Win-WIN 

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& Get 1.5 Pounds of Ground Beef FREE
With Every Order FOR LIFE!

& Get 1.5 Pounds of Ground Beef FREE
With Every Order FOR LIFE!

Subscribe to Mitchell Family Farms’ Monthly Beef Shipments and Get 1.5 Pounds of Ground Beef FREE With Every Order FOR LIFE!

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When you buy from small family farms, you’re not just buying food—you’re investing in your community! 

 In contrast, big corporations prioritize profit over people. They view you as a source of revenue, not as an individual with needs and concerns. This profit-driven approach has led to a decline in the quality of beef found in grocery stores.

 Big meat packers are focused on finishing animals quickly, often resorting to chemical growth hormones and antibiotics in feed, even when the animals are not sick. This rushed process is not only inhumane, but it also results in beef that can be inflammatory and potentially harmful to your health in the long run.

 Nature doesn’t have shortcuts. The process of raising animals should be done with care and patience. When animals are properly raised, quality beef is a given. 

 By choosing to buy from local farmers, you are supporting a more sustainable, humane, and health-conscious way of life. You are investing in your community, in the well-being of animals, and in the quality of the food you put on your table. 

 So, the next time you’re at the grocery store, remember that your choices matter. Choose community first, choose quality, and choose local farmers. Your body and your conscience will thank you. 

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